November 27, 2003 How about them Lions? What could be more perfect; Thanksgiving day, the Green Bay Packers in town, and a Lions upset victory. Wait until next year. A food question to ponder on Thanksgiving: Archeologists say that cannibalism has been the norm in the past, and the more interesting question is why particular societies gave it up. Mr. Picassohead Create Picasso like paintings digitally. Lots of variables to choose from. You can even sign your creation, save it and have it emailed to you (or just do a print screen, open it in a graphics program, and crop it to your picture). http://www.mrpicassohead.com/create.html
Honorificabilitudinitatibus, 27 letters long, is the longest English word consisting strictly of alterating consonants and vowels. Eighteen letter words with this property include epicoracohumeraler and myelocytomatosises. A seventeen letter word with this property is hypovitaminosises. Sixteen letter words with this property include aluminosilicates, depolarizability, and supererogatorily. Fifteen letter words with this property include cytomegalovirus, heterozygosises, hexosaminidases, paramyxoviruses, pararosanilines, parasitological, tenosynovitides, tenosynovitises, unimaginatively, and verisimilitudes. More word fun at: http://rinkworks.com/words/oddities.shtml Also, Dave's list of words that are fun to say:http://www.uark.edu/~dbruce/list.html. The WKRP Turkey drop clip from the classic turkey drop episode of WKRP in Cincinnati.
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