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From the Desk of the Commander Ray Yount

I want to welcome home all our northern families, we missed you. Some of you have told me you thought you were at the wrong Post, because of the face lift we gave our
building. Thank you for the good comments about the building. Read More.

Turner Brandon Sends Our Best to Boy's State

Each year Posts throughout the United States send boys who
have finished their Junior year in high school to Boys State. Florida has a limit of 500 boys. Post 7 sends 5 boys each year to Florida State University where they study Government for one week in a hands on atmosphere. The boys are selected from the local high schools. Read more.


Support Our Troops

Products needed:
Cookies, candy, microwave popcorn, peanut butter or cheese
crackers, beef jerky, Slim Jims, canned fruit, canned meats &
tuna, Kool-Aid, Crystal Light, chewing gum, feminine
hygiene products, baby wipes, bodywash, Chapstick,
sunsreeen bandanas, socks, Zip-Lock bags, small microwave
products (soups, pastas, etc.)
For more info: GI Joe Tapp 432-1057

Ray Yount
1st Vice Commander
Ray Lista
2nd Vice Commander
Chuck O’Donnel
Ray Hosner
Finance Officer
Dave Daiker
Sgt. at Arms
Calvin Perry
John Pettibone
Paul Neville
Service Officer
Don Lauster
Judge Advocate
Russ Pro
Coming Up
Sunday, Nov. 9
Guest Bartender Featuring
Commander Ray Yount”
2:00 PM
Tuesday, Nov. 11
Veterans Day
Entertainment by Robert Keith
Thursday, Nov. 13
“A Tribute to Johnny Cash” with
Dave Smith and Legends of the Road